Central Service Treatment Committee/Roger Williams Committments

Position Trusted Servant Contact
Trustee Rock J  email @ [email protected] 

The Central Service Treatment Committee sees that AA’s message is carried the clients who are at Roger Williams Hospital who seek to recover from alcoholism. This trustee oversees the booking of commitment groups for the detox and dual diagnosis units of the hospital.  This trustee also assists the facility by providing donated materials to be distributed to the clients.

We are always looking for groups or individuals who are interested in filling slots.

If you or your AA group would like to take on a monthly commitment, please contact Rock J. 925-595-0116

CLICK HERE to see the January CALENDAR and available slots 

CLICK HERE to see the February CALENDAR and available slots 

Thank you for participating in your group’s commitment at Roger  William’s  Hospital Detox Unit. The hospital is grateful for the AA meeting that you and other RI groups bring in weekly. We are guests at Roger Williams, and they have asked us to abide to the following guidelines. These are locked unit commitments, similar to prison/corrections commitments, and it is important to understand and respect their policies.

  1. Do not bring food or beverages onto the units.
  2. For the safety of all, children are not allowed on the units
  3. Do not give the patients any items including cigarettes, lighters/matches, money, etc.
  4. Commitment groups should consist of 2-5 AA members. 

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A Few Plain Suggestions

[Pgs. 15 & 16  from A.A. Pamphlet “AA in Treatment Settings” P-27          

DOs and DON’Ts

  1. DO — Abide carefully by all the rules of the facility. A.A. members are guests of the treatment setting.    DON’T — A.A.s should not try to claim special exemptions or privileges or try to manipulate the agency into making concessions.
  2. DO — Make sure every A.A. promise is kept to the letter.      DON’T — Do not make any commitment that cannot be met. Excuses do not speak well for A.A., but faithfulness and results do.
  3. DO — Limit yourself to carrying your own honest message of alcoholism recovery.   DON’T — Do not talk about medication, psychiatry, or scientific theories of alcoholism. This is the territory for professionals. Our own personal spiritual life does not make us experts on religion.
  4. DO — Listen at least as much as you talk.  DON’T — Do not argue about anything with patients or staff. Arguments never win friends.
  5. DO — Live by the spirit of A.A.’s Traditions.  DON’T — Do not expect any professional agency to govern itself by our Traditions. They cannot and have no need to do so.
  6. DO — Remember that you are A.A. to people in that facility. Your language, appearance, manners and mood all affect other people’s opinions of our Fellowship. Your behavior can make sure A.A. is always welcome.   DON’T — Do not give agency personnel or patients any reason to be unhappy about A.A.
  7.  DO — Always maintain a cheerful humility about how A.A. works. DON’T — Do not brag about A.A. Let results speak for us
  8. DO — Remember that you “are responsible.” Let the patients know about the benefits of sponsorship, as well as any temporary contact program that may be available in your area.   DON’T — Do not just carry the message to the facility and leave it there.

As a reminder from the CS Committee, we do stock both floors with literature including meeting schedules. Bridging the gap information is also available and is one of the best tools we can offer patients who will be exiting RW Detox.